Saturday 6 August 2011

How to Make Money Fast - wikiHow

How to Make Money Fast - wikiHow

all the information is in this article

Thursday 4 August 2011

many easy ways to make money from home

Ways to make money online, search for it and you’ll find hundreds of them. Some are legitimate and real methods for making money online and others are scams and get rich quick schemes. In this post, you will find information about 53 legitimate ways to make money working from home, from making money with affiliate programs, blogging and freelancing to making money with ebay, earning money with online surveys and GPT programs to other simple ways to make money fast.

Although there are so many different ways to make money on the internet, making money online isn’t always easy or quick. It takes hard work and dedication. Yes, there are some online jobs that are easier than others and there are some quick(er) ways to make money, but if you want to make real money, you have to put some time and effort into it.

Earning money online is no different than making money offline. If you want to work at home, you need to have the right mind set. Forget about making money with a push of a button, free money or the magic money making method that is going to get you rich over night. Though internet itself is a virtual world, there is nothing virtual about the need to work to make money online.

Earning money online takes hard work and consistency. But, if you are willing to put enough time and effort into it, there are number of ways you can use the internet to make extra money. Here are 53 ways to make money online:

Wherever possible, I tried to provide other resources and information about some of these methods by linking to other more in dept and detailed articles, which will give you more information on how to make money online with that specific method. I hope it will be helpful.

Making Money with Affiliate Programs
This is by far the best way to make money online, at least in my opinion. You are basically selling other people’s stuff for a commission. You can find digital products like e-books and short reports to promote on sites like ClickBank and PayDotcom. Affiliate Marketing for beginners

Get Paid to Surf
Get paid to surf is kind of big on the internet. And of course scammers are all over it as well. So, be careful and make sure you register with known and trusted sites. You won’t make much money, but not much work is required either. Get paid to surf

Make Money Selling Photos Online
If you like photography and can take interesting pictures, there are many sites you can upload your images too and get paid every time someone downloads an image of yours. The good thing is that one photo can sell over and over again. Imagine the potential of having 100s of images on few sites. Make money selling photos

Get Paid Sharing Files Online
There are a couple of document sharing sites that you can upload any kind of file you own to, and every time someone downloads it, you get paid for it. The files can be in almost any format, from txt to pdf and everything else. Get paid to upload files

Earn Money as a Mystery Shopper
Mystery shopping is becoming a popular method for companies to evaluate there employees and their customer services skills. Although there are a lot of different opinions about this, mystery shopping is actually growing as an industry. You will be assigned to shop and dine in different places and report your experience back. Depending on specific assignments, you can expect to get paid anywhere from $40 to $300 or more per assignment. Of course, the amount that you spend buying goods and services will be reimbursed. Sometimes you get to keep the item you bought at no charge to you. Legitimate mystery shopping companies

Sell Unused Items on eBay and Craigslist
Almost everyone knows how to make money on ebay these days and you are probably tired of hearing about it. But the truth of the matter is that ebay is a really good way to make money. Another great place to sell unused stuff is CraigsList. CL is one of the most visited sites in the world, so your ad will get viewed by many potential buyers and its free to place an ad on CL. Look around your house and find things you don’t need and use any more. List them on ebay for a fair price. No mater how much money you end up making selling your unwanted stuff on ebay, its still better than letting them dust in your garage!

Make Money Designing Logos
Hundreds of new websites and blogs are born everyday. Most of them will need a logo, but not every site owner knows how to make a logo. If you have some design talent, you can make good money offering custom logo creations on webmaster related forums and classified ads sites. Don’t have a professional software? Use free imaging tools such as PhotoFilter to make stunning logos.

Make Money Flipping Website and Domain
Buy good domains and resell for a profit. Build a website or a blog, work on it for a while and get it going. Its Just like flipping houses, when you get the site to a good point, put it up for sale. People like websites that are ready to go, and they do pay good money for it. Hundreds of website are bought and sold every day on sites like

Get Paid to Take Online Surveys
One of the best ways to make money online is doing online surveys. Market research companies get paid from manufacturers and companies to gather feedback from their consumers, which they do by conducting online surveys. they then share some of that money, with those who participate in those online surveys. Although, paid survey scams have mad it harder for people to fin legitimate paid surveys sites, there are still hundreds of legitimate paid survey companies out there, willing to pay you for your opinion. Legitimate Paid Surveys

Earn Money Designing Websites
If you are good at it, why not make money doing so? There are even free softwares such as Kompozer that you can use to design and build nice looking website without any knowledge of html. Use webmaster related forums like WarriorForum and DigitalPoints to find buyers.

Make Money Designing T-Shirts and Other Customizable Items
If you are good at making up catchy phrases and cool designs, you can make a decent amount of money designing and selling T-shirts on sites like CaféPress. Get paid to design t shirts

Make Money with Digital Scrap Booking Templates
I personally don’t get this, but many People love to scrapbook, and they do pay good money for templates. Make different kinds of templates, and make it easy for people to use them.

Record Songs and Sell Online
Don’t laugh at this one! In this age of YouTube and instant super stardom, its not very far fetched to think you can become a star if you can sing. YouTube and other video sharing sites make it possible for anyone to have a chance to be discovered by record label companies.

Make Money Making MySpace Backgrounds
They are all over the internet, those ad for MySpace background! And that means only one thing, there is a market for MySpace backgrounds! Creating MySpace backgrounds isn’t that hard. But, most users don’t have the time to do it or are simply lazy. You can provide them with this service and customize their MySpace pages, and charge a fee for doing so. What place better to advertise your service, than MySpace itself?…

Get Paid For Your videos
With the huge interest in videos online, there is always room for more. Create interesting videos of yourself or whatever, and upload them to Web Sites like Revver and Break. They will share a percentage of their ad revenue with you. Plus you get something for each download as well.

Get Paid To Read Emails
As the title suggest, you get paid for reading emails. Everyday you receive paid emails in your inbox with links to different websites, whcih you have to click and view for a few seconds. Not a lot of money, but its something extra. Get paid to read emails

Make Money with Reward Programs
Another one of those “quick” ways to make money online. Reward programs or as they are known online as GPT( stands for Get Paid To…) are sites that pay their members for doing variety of things. Basically you earn money for doing thing that you already do online in some way or another such as signing up for freebies, registering with interesting sites, shopping, visiting different websites ad etc.GPT site are like middle man. They get paid from advertisers to drive leads (you) to them. They then give a percentage of what they earn from their advertisers with their members. GPT Sites

Earn Money Doing Directory Submission
In order for a website or blog to be successful and make money, it needs traffic. There are many ways to work on traffic. One way is to submit your site to website directories. But, many webmaster and blogger are busy with other aspects of running a site, so they don’t have time to do this. That’s where you can come in, and offer to submit their site to directories for a fee. Use forums like SitePoints and DigitalPoint to offer your service to webmasters.

Get Paid To Review
Set up a website or a blog, and start a review site. Website owners and bloggers will pay you to post a review of their site on your site. It helps them get the word out and helps you make money. You can also pick affiliate products and review them on your site and place your affiliate link for that product in the article. Every time someone buys that product using your link, you get a commission.

Make Money with a Niche Directory
You have seen those directory sites that have a list of specific sites in different categories. Set up one for yourself. Gather a list of site and sources related to a specific niche, and list them on your site. Sell ad space to other webmasters. You can charge a monthly fee to have their ads shown on your site. is a good place to look for potential customers.

Get Paid to Search
Search engines are big money makers. No wonder every day new search engines pup up everywhere. But since they are not as big as Google and yahoo and some other engines, they pay you to use their site to search. Basically their sharing their earnings from their advertisers with you. Get paid to search

Make Extra Money Making Photo Mosaics
If you can make photo mosaics, set up a website and offer your Photo Mosaics service. You will be surprised how many people pay for these things.

Work as a Virtual Assistant
Its becoming very popular, as more and more online based businesses are born every day. People use virtual assistant for research, finding things, doing time consuming tasks, making phone calls and etc. Setup a free blog or site to offer your service.

Make Money Hosting Online Forums
Use softwares like SebFlipper to host hundreds of separate forums from a single web server. Make money by charging people to host a forum with you, or offer it for free, but show your ads on their forums and make money that way.

Get Paid To Install Applications
Most People have problem with installing different kinds of applications. If you are good at installing a particular app or a software, why not make some money while helping others?

Get Paid To Answer Questions
If you have knowledge about something (which you do, everybody knows about something that others may not know), put it to work for you. There are many websites that you can offer your expertise and knowledge in exchange for money. 11 Site To Give Advice & Answers For Money. Get paid to answer questions

Pod Casting
Think of it as a voice or video blogging. Talk about interesting topic and make money from ads shown. If you are a good speaker, provide useful information and have a nice voice, its not that hard to get hundreds of subscribers. You can use free sites like to turn your blog into a podcast!

Make Money on eBay
Believe it or not, there are lots of people who don’t know how to sell on ebay. You can sell their stuff on ebay in exchange for a commission. You can take this one step farther and turn it into a bigger business by buying wholesale items and selling them individually on ebay. Don’t forget that garage sales are often good places to find worthy items for a fraction of the cost. ebay for beginners

Make Money with Focus Groups
Focus group are basically the same as paid surveys, but unlike paid surveys, most focus groups are conducted in a physical location. Focus group studies are held in most major cities. You will be in with a group of other selected people, talking and answering question about whatever product or service the study is about. You can expect to get paid from $60 to $250 for an hour to a full day of study. Paid Focus Groups

Domain Drop Shipping
Its basically selling domain registration for big domain registration sites like TuCows, which makes it easy for you to start your own private label domain registration and make money not only from the initial sale, but from renewals as well.

Create and Sell E-Books
You can make e-books about anything. If you have some knowledge about anything, whether its a recipe or a how to do this and that. Its not as hard as you think. Look at some e-books that are selling for $50-$100 or whatever, and you see what i mean (most of them are crap, but people do pay for them!). How to make an ebook for free

Make Money with Amazon Mechanical Turk
Its one of the biggest unknown ways of making money online, yet its so easy to do. You do simple tasks like differentiating pictures from text, and get paid for it. If you have enough time to invest in it, you can make good money with amazon turk. Make money with amazon mechanical turk

Get Paid to Review Softwares
WebSites like SoftwareJudge will pay you for using and reviewing any of the software available in their collection.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

money from home tips

Renting your driveway or garage

If you live in town or near a station or big sports ground (Wimbledon, a Football stadium) you can make money by renting out parking space at your place. If you don't use your garage or your driveway it could be gold-dust to someone who needs to park there.

A new website,, enables people to offer their space for parking. Just put your details in, including your postcode, and then just wait for desperate parkers to contact you!

Mystery shopping

Thousands of ordinary people in the UK get paid to go do free shopping, eating out in a restaurant or having a drink in a pub as mystery shoppers. Fees per visit vary between companies, but are usually between about £6.00 and £20.00.

And you get what you buy for free! Contacts: Retaileyes -; TNS, ; High Street Central,; Mystery Shopping Agency,, 020 8325 8974

Market research

There are a few companies - not many - in Britain that have a pool of people they call on regularly to join a focus group. Sometimes they specifically need mothers or fathers to test out child or baby-related products. Saros Research is one company that conducts focus groups like these.

Just log onto their website at, put in your details and wait for those invitations. You will only be allowed to do two sessions with them per year but you could also apply to other companies and get extra work.

You can make between £30 to £100 for a session depending on what you are talking about, plus free food! You can also make money by recruiting other people for the focus groups. You earn money each time one of your recruits takes part in some research.

Think up a TV game show format

TV companies are always looking for game show formats so if you spend a lot of your day watching them, why not make money thinking one up? The idea should be simple but fun.

You should be able to fit the description of it onto one A4 sheet, so it is up to you to come up with an idea that is not already being aired, hone it down to some simple rules and a few fun gimmics and send it to TV production companies or direct to TV channels. Then be prepared for a long wait and lots of knock-backs while you try to sell, sell, sell!

Contacts: BBC,; Celador - (makers of 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire'; Yorkshire TV, (makers of 'Countdown')

Selling on the internet

You can sell pretty much anything on Some people make a constant, good living out of it, others just use it to sell stuff they don't want any more. Many people just like to sell old books, videos, DVDs and CDs and is the most popular for this as well as

Many people go to car boot sales at the weekend looking for collectibles that they then sell on eBay during the week. If you are an artist, jewellery maker or other creative then you can have your own 'stall' on eBay for just £6.00 a month.

Jasmine Birtles is from, the website that gives you a richer life.
also advertising with google adsense

making that extra cash from your computer at home

There are many people in the world who like there job but just want to make that bit extra cash on the side for rewards.well that has become a whole lot easier in the 21st century.Now the internet has a lot of ways in which you can make some money online without having to do much.There are online surveys(which i speak about in my other post),Adverts (google adsense) and also there are alot of jobs like data entry and errands.There is a wide rangeof jobs online if you look in the right place that is easy for making money is is where you have a budget and you can bid on projects so then you can do them projects.then make some money also you can invite freinds and if they join thats some more money.

There is plenty of jobson the internet and also writing a blog is a fun and enjoyful way to make money if yu have a google adsense can have adverts on it and every tin=me someone clicks on it is will get you abit of income
youll be earning money in no time if you follow these tips that i have given you just keep trying and eventually get there.

Monday 1 August 2011

how to make money with online surveys

I have been doing some research and i have found out that the best and easiest way to make money from home is by carrying out on-line surveys.There are so many websites that will offer free online surveys for example or for uk users .this is an extremely good and easy way to make some extra money on-line. they dont pay that much but they can bring in some extra income.
You have to be careful with online surveys because some of them are scams, but the vast majority are legitimate.
You can also make a lot of money with google ad sense.This is a program where you can make ads and then put them on blogs,websites and then you can earn money by the click per minute method.

Friday 29 July 2011

this is where you can make easy money for running errands try it out

Wednesday 20 July 2011

<a href="" >Make Money with Google</a>
make money with google

making money on-line

  • Easy ways to make money on-line is doing online surveys.Some of them give you money for even signing answer simple questions for free and there is no charge.
  • Another way is using Google. ad sense.This is where you can put adverts on your website and generate some income every time someone clicks on your ad
Data entry
Data entry jobs are becoming very popular these days.more and more people are making money from this simple jobs is one of the websites that pay for you to do data entry jobs